Take 15 minutes each to find max load for:
Hang squat snatch
Hang squat clean and jerk
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Thursday, November 29, 2012
11/27/2012 VKfit Class Workout
Three rounds for as many reps as possible of:
MB push ups to frog squat
Squat kicks with 25 pound plate
Overhead jumping lunges with 25 pound plate
Step-out jumps over the bag
30 seconds at each station with a continuously running clock. 2 minutes of rest in between each round.
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
MB push ups to frog squat
Squat kicks with 25 pound plate
Overhead jumping lunges with 25 pound plate
Step-out jumps over the bag
30 seconds at each station with a continuously running clock. 2 minutes of rest in between each round.
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
Monday, November 26, 2012
11/26/2012 Workout
For max load:
1 overhead squat
1 shoulder press
1 front squat
1 back squat
1 deadlift
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1 overhead squat
1 shoulder press
1 front squat
1 back squat
1 deadlift
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Thursday, November 1, 2012
11/01/2012 Workout
For time:
15 MB burpees
15 dead hang, chest to bar pull ups
15 MB burpees
15 kipping chest to bar pull ups
15 MB burpees
15 pull ups
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15 MB burpees
15 dead hang, chest to bar pull ups
15 MB burpees
15 kipping chest to bar pull ups
15 MB burpees
15 pull ups
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Monday, September 17, 2012
09/17/2012 Workout
Take 15 minutes each to find max load for:
2 tall split snatches
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2 tall split snatches
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Saturday, September 15, 2012
Off-day/Make-up day
The Definitive Guide to Oils - Mark's Daily Apple
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The Definitive Guide to Oils - Mark's Daily Apple
"It It takes a certain amount of processing to get any sort of oil, but a good general rule is to avoid consuming the oils that require processing on a large scale. If it involves an industrial plant, multiple stainless steel vats, a deodorizer, a de-gummer, and the harsh petroleum-derived solvent known as hexane, I wouldn’t eat it."
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Friday, September 14, 2012
09/14/2012 Workout
As many laps as possible in 15 minutes of:
Weighted farmer's carry (as heavy as possible)
Every minute on the minute do 5 burpees.
Post load used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
Weighted farmer's carry (as heavy as possible)
Every minute on the minute do 5 burpees.
Post load used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
09/13/2012 Workout
For time:
30 weighted pull ups
30 weighted ring dips
30 weighted squats
Use a weight vest, loaded backpack, etc.
Post load used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
30 weighted pull ups
30 weighted ring dips
30 weighted squats
Use a weight vest, loaded backpack, etc.
Post load used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Off-day/Make-up day
The Easiest Way To Live Longer - Lisa Collier Cool, Yahoo! Health/Healthline
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The Easiest Way To Live Longer - Lisa Collier Cool, Yahoo! Health/Healthline
"Did you know that every minute you walk can extend your life by 1.5 to 2 minutes? In addition, many studies show that people who walk regularly live longer, weigh less, have lower blood pressure, and enjoy better overall health than non-walkers."
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012
09/11/2012 VKfit Class Workout
9/11 - Always remember...
As many rounds as possible in 11 minutes of the following:
9 goblet step ups (L + R = 1)
11 push ups
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As many rounds as possible in 11 minutes of the following:
9 goblet step ups (L + R = 1)
11 push ups
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
Monday, September 10, 2012
09/10/2012 Workout
Take 15 minutes each to find max load for:
3 hang squat cleans + 1 push jerk
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3 hang squat cleans + 1 push jerk
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Saturday, September 8, 2012
Off-day/Make-up day
What Toxic Chemicals Is Your Body Absorbing-Infographic - Ashley Steinbrinck, Natural Healthy Concepts
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What Toxic Chemicals Is Your Body Absorbing-Infographic - Ashley Steinbrinck, Natural Healthy Concepts
"More than 80,000 chemicals permitted in the United States have never been fully assessed for toxic impacts on human health and the environment. Under the current law, it is almost impossible for the EPA to take regulatory action against dangerous chemicals, even those that are known to cause cancer or other serious health effects."
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Click to view full size. |
Friday, September 7, 2012
09/07/2012 Workout
Three rounds for time:
As few broad jumps as possible for 50m
Then do that number of pull ups and push ups
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Thursday, September 6, 2012
09/06/2012 Workout
Take 15 minutes each to find max load for:
2 hang power cleans
2 push jerks
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
2 hang power cleans
2 push jerks
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Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Off-day/Make-up day
Wheat-Free Success Story: How Nicole Saved Her Son from Surgery - Abel James, The Fat-Burning Man Show
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Wheat-Free Success Story: How Nicole Saved Her Son from Surgery - Abel James, The Fat-Burning Man Show
"I then persuaded my husband to try going wheat free for 4 weeks. I was shocked when he agreed and even more shocked when my children (9 and 6) didn’t throw a fit when I told them what we were doing.I really didn’t have a specific reason to try this other than curiosity. But what happened over the next 2-3 weeks had us amazed and really did change our lives for the better."
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Tuesday, September 4, 2012
09/04/2012 VKfit Class Workout
As many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
10 push ups
25' fireman carry
Use as heavy of a partner as you are able.
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
10 push ups
25' fireman carry
Use as heavy of a partner as you are able.
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Sunday, September 2, 2012
09/03/2012 Workout
Happy Labor Day!
Go play a game of softball, basketball, football, soccer, etc.
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Go play a game of softball, basketball, football, soccer, etc.
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Saturday, September 1, 2012
Off-day/Make-up day
Which Food Additives Make Children Behave Badly? - Tim Utton, Daily Mail, UK
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Which Food Additives Make Children Behave Badly? - Tim Utton, Daily Mail, UK
"Research has shown that the food additives used in hundreds of children's foods and drinks can cause temper tantrums and disruptive behavior. A Government-funded study confirms what many parents have long suspected about the effect of chemicals put into sweets, biscuits and foods. Colorings in products such as Smarties, Jelly Tots and fizzy drinks could spark behavior changes in up to a quarter of toddlers."
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Friday, August 31, 2012
08/31/2012 Workout
Take 15 minutes each to find max load for:
3 back squats with 3 second bottom hold
3 front squats with 3 second bottom hold
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3 back squats with 3 second bottom hold
3 front squats with 3 second bottom hold
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Thursday, August 30, 2012
08/30/2012 Workout
Three rounds of 21-15-9 reps for time of:
Pull ups
Power swings @ 30% bodyweight
Ring dips
Post loads used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
Pull ups
Power swings @ 30% bodyweight
Ring dips
Post loads used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Off-day/Make-up day
New York State Is Investigating Energy Drink Makers - Nelson Schwartz, New York Times
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New York State Is Investigating Energy Drink Makers - Nelson Schwartz, New York Times
“Consumption of energy drinks is a rising public health problem because medical and behavioral consequences can result from excessive caffeine intake... A growing body of scientific evidence documents harmful effects, particularly for children, adolescents and young adults.”
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012
08/28/2012 VKfit Class Workout
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 medicine ball split lunges (R + L = 1 rep)
10 medicine ball squat cleans
10 medicine ball lying knees to elbow
10 lateral jump burpees (R + L = 1 rep)
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
10 medicine ball split lunges (R + L = 1 rep)
10 medicine ball squat cleans
10 medicine ball lying knees to elbow
10 lateral jump burpees (R + L = 1 rep)
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
Monday, August 27, 2012
08/27/2012 Workout
Take 15 minutes each to find max load for:
5 sumo-deadlift high pull
5 push presses
2 tall split jerks
2 tall cleans
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
5 sumo-deadlift high pull
5 push presses
2 tall split jerks
2 tall cleans
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Off-day/Make-up day
What are the health concerns about high-fructose corn syrup? - Jennifer K. Nelson, R.D., L.D., Mayo Clinic
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What are the health concerns about high-fructose corn syrup? - Jennifer K. Nelson, R.D., L.D., Mayo Clinic
"Although high-fructose corn syrup is chemically similar to table sugar (sucrose), concerns have been raised because of how high-fructose corn syrup is processed. Some believe that your body reacts differently to high-fructose corn syrup than it does to other types of sugar."
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Friday, August 24, 2012
08/24/2012 Workout
For time:
50 yard dash
1/4 mile run
For distance:
Standing broad jump
Standing vertical jump
For max reps:
Pull ups
Push ups
Sit ups
Do as many attempts as necessary, in any order.
Compare to 10/20/2011 Workout
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
50 yard dash
1/4 mile run
For distance:
Standing broad jump
Standing vertical jump
For max reps:
Pull ups
Push ups
Sit ups
Do as many attempts as necessary, in any order.
Compare to 10/20/2011 Workout
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Thursday, August 23, 2012
08/23/2012 Workout
7 rounds for time of:
7 deadlifts @ 1.5x bodyweight
7 powerswings @ 25% bodyweight
7 ring dips
Post loads used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
7 deadlifts @ 1.5x bodyweight
7 powerswings @ 25% bodyweight
7 ring dips
Post loads used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Off-day/Make-up day
Suicide by Sandwich? 12 Reasons to Banish Bread - grassfedgirl.com
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Suicide by Sandwich? 12 Reasons to Banish Bread - grassfedgirl.com
"Wheat has gliadin which is an addictive opiates that stimulates our appetite throughout the day and impairs our ability to say no to high carbohydrate foods. These exorphins cause food obsession and unbearable hunger."
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012
08/21/2012 VKfit Class Workout
As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
Kneeling jump snatch
Overhead squat
Sotts press
Use loaded bar, empty bar, or PVC pipe or broomstick.
Post load used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
Kneeling jump snatch
Overhead squat
Sotts press
Use loaded bar, empty bar, or PVC pipe or broomstick.
Post load used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
Monday, August 20, 2012
08/20/2012 Workout
Take 15 minutes each to find max load for:
2 push jerks (1 right foot forward, 1 left foot forward)
2 snatch pulls
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
2 push jerks (1 right foot forward, 1 left foot forward)
2 snatch pulls
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Off-day/Make-up day
Cycling: Understanding Heart Disease Could Save Your Life - John Mandrola, MD; VeloNews
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Cycling: Understanding Heart Disease Could Save Your Life - John Mandrola, MD; VeloNews
"How can a heart that sustains a major aerobic effort be vulnerable to a heart attack?"
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Friday, August 17, 2012
08/17/2012 Workout
For time:
Cycle for 10 miles
Ride a bike - road, mountain, stationary, etc.; on street or off-road - for 10 miles. Note type in comments.
Compare to 06/22/2012 Workout
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Cycle for 10 miles
Ride a bike - road, mountain, stationary, etc.; on street or off-road - for 10 miles. Note type in comments.
Compare to 06/22/2012 Workout
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Thursday, August 16, 2012
08/16/2012 Workout
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
2 front squats
2 muscle ups
4 front squats
4 muscle ups
6 front squats
6 muscle ups
... and so forth. Use a load that is approximately 70% of bodyweight.
Post load used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
2 front squats
2 muscle ups
4 front squats
4 muscle ups
6 front squats
6 muscle ups
... and so forth. Use a load that is approximately 70% of bodyweight.
Post load used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Off-day/Make-up day
Running a Marathon? Load Up on Fat - Melissa Romero, Washingtonian
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Running a Marathon? Load Up on Fat - Melissa Romero, Washingtonian
"New research suggests carb-loading before a race isn’t the best way to energize."
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Tuesday, August 14, 2012
08/14/2012 VKfit Class Workout
For time:
100 push ups
Rest only in the pike position, where only hands and feet are on the ground. Every time you lift a hand or foot off the ground or touch another part of your body on the ground (e.g. knee, elbow), then you must "walk the baby" - 50 foot chair carry with 3 chairs - before continuing on.
Time limit: 15 minutes
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
100 push ups
Rest only in the pike position, where only hands and feet are on the ground. Every time you lift a hand or foot off the ground or touch another part of your body on the ground (e.g. knee, elbow), then you must "walk the baby" - 50 foot chair carry with 3 chairs - before continuing on.
Time limit: 15 minutes
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
Monday, August 13, 2012
08/13/2012 Workout
Take 15 minutes each to find max load for:
5 hang squat cleans
5 hang squat snatches
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
5 hang squat cleans
5 hang squat snatches
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Saturday, August 11, 2012
Off-day/Make-up day
Is Your Protein Powder Toxic? - Randy Fritz, Care2 Healthy Living
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Is Your Protein Powder Toxic? - Randy Fritz, Care2 Healthy Living
"Besides the concern of actual toxins in your product one should also consider the relative merits of the different kinds of protein and carbohydrates involved."
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Friday, August 10, 2012
08/10/2012 Workout
As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
7 hang power cleans
7 push presses
Use a load that is approximately 70% of bodyweight.
Post load used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
7 hang power cleans
7 push presses
Use a load that is approximately 70% of bodyweight.
Post load used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.

Thursday, August 9, 2012
08/09/2012 Workout
For time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Bench/floor press @ bodyweight
Pull ups
Post load used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Bench/floor press @ bodyweight
Pull ups
Post load used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Off-day/Make-up day
What's in your protein drink - Consumer Reports
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What's in your protein drink - Consumer Reports
"Here are the average amounts of metals we found in three servings of these protein drinks. Experts said three servings a day is common"
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Tuesday, August 7, 2012
08/07/2012 VKfit Class Workout
As many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
5 right arm fireman lift and squat
5 left arm fireman lift and squat
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5 right arm fireman lift and squat
5 left arm fireman lift and squat
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Monday, August 6, 2012
08/06/2012 Workout
Take 15 minutes each to find max load for:
5 one arm snatches
Compare to 03/28/2011 Workout
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5 one arm snatches
Compare to 03/28/2011 Workout
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Saturday, August 4, 2012
Off-day/Make-up day
Physical fitness prevents seasonal flu infections far better than vaccines - David Gutierrez, NaturalNews
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Physical fitness prevents seasonal flu infections far better than vaccines - David Gutierrez, NaturalNews
"People who self-reported as highly fit spent 46 percent less time sick than people who reported low fitness. Severity of illness was also 41 percent lower in those who reported high fitness or high levels of aerobic activity."
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Friday, August 3, 2012
08/03/2012 Workout
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
10 right arm floor press
10 left arm floor press
10 right arm sumo-deadlift high-pull
10 left arm sumo-deadlift high-pull
Use a load that is approximately 30% of your bodyweight.
Compare to 01/30/2012 Workout
10 right arm floor press
10 left arm floor press
10 right arm sumo-deadlift high-pull
10 left arm sumo-deadlift high-pull
Use a load that is approximately 30% of your bodyweight.
Compare to 01/30/2012 Workout

Thursday, August 2, 2012
08/02/2012 Workout
Do 3 rounds of the following, with exactly 2 minutes of rest in-between each round:
As many reps as possible in 2 minutes of:
Handstand push ups
Then as many reps as possible in 2 minutes of:
Squat thrusts/pull ups
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
As many reps as possible in 2 minutes of:
Handstand push ups
Then as many reps as possible in 2 minutes of:
Squat thrusts/pull ups
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Off-day/Make-up day
Sleep and Exercise 1: Sleep Deprivation - Dr. Stephen Cheung, Ph.D.; Brock University
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Sleep and Exercise 1: Sleep Deprivation - Dr. Stephen Cheung, Ph.D.; Brock University
"Risks of upper respiratory and skin wounds, along with gastrointestinal problems, were elevated and fairly common. In addition, mood alterations were common..."
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Tuesday, July 31, 2012
07/31/2012 VKfit Class Workout
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 chair push ups/ground to overhead
10 sitting medicine ball twists (L,R = 1 rep)
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10 chair push ups/ground to overhead
10 sitting medicine ball twists (L,R = 1 rep)
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Monday, July 30, 2012
07/30/2012 Workout
Take 15 minutes each to find max load for:
2 tall split snatches
2 tall cleans
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
2 tall split snatches
2 tall cleans
Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Off-day/Make-up day
Researchers Study Health-Faith Connection - About.com
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Researchers Study Health-Faith Connection - About.com
"Recent research findings indicate the link between health and religious beliefs may be stronger and more deeply intertwined than previously thought."
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Friday, July 27, 2012
07/27/2012 Workout
PCJC 2012 Genesis (College/Young Adult) program workout:
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 dips
10 bench jumps
10 toes to bar
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As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 dips
10 bench jumps
10 toes to bar
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Thursday, July 26, 2012
07/26/2012 Workout
PCJC 2012 High School Program workout:
For time:
3 fence climbs
5 10 yard bear crawls
7 x L,R cradle step ups w/ bar
25 yard 1-leg hop (L,R)
3 x 15 yard overhead lunges w/ chair
"Over the bridge" (get whole body up and over the monkey bars)
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For time:
3 fence climbs
5 10 yard bear crawls
7 x L,R cradle step ups w/ bar
25 yard 1-leg hop (L,R)
3 x 15 yard overhead lunges w/ chair
"Over the bridge" (get whole body up and over the monkey bars)
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