I'm sure you've heard it before: "You are what you eat."
Simply speaking, if you take a Ferrari engine and try to run it on pour quality fuel, you'll not only get poor performance out of your Ferrari, you'll actually destroy the engine. While the human body is an amazing engine in itself, able to withstand and heal from years of abuse and neglect, it does basically reap what it sows in terms of what is put in it and what it runs on.
That said, what is a good diet, especially when it comes to performance? What should you eat considering all the various diets out there?
I will share with you what has worked for me over the 15+ years I've been studying dietary intake.
First off, I would encourage you to change your mindset about food and eating. It doesn't have to be mundane and boring, but you need to think of it as fueling your body rather than just feeding it. Eating then becomes a means towards reaching a goal rather than fulfilling a biological or emotional urge, which usually results in grabbing and consuming whatever is available, healthy or not (most likely not).
Before we delve into actually what to eat in part 2, I'd like you to really chew on that last bit (no pun intended). What is your goal or purpose to fueling your body? What do you ultimately hope to achieve? Once you've established that, then you're ready to develop an actual diet plan.
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