
Thursday, September 30, 2010

09/30/2010 Workout

With a continuously running clock, do one dip the first minute, two dips the second minute, three dips the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. Use full body kipping.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Post number of minutes completed and type of dips (ring, bar, chair, etc.) to comments.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Article: Boxing Lessons by Gordan Marino, The New York Times.

Boxing: More than just the "sweet science"?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

09/28/2010 VKfit Class Workout

Move from each of four stations after 30 seconds of work. This is a two-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating for a second round. On the call of "rotate" switch to next station/exercise. Clock does not stop between exercises. Score your reps for each station. 1 rep = 1 point.
  1. Wall ball (15 pounds; 10 ft)
  2. Stage jump
  3. Plank knees to elbows
  4. Chair deadlift
After the two rounds and another one-minute break, do 30 seconds of burpees. 1 rep = 2 points for burpees.

Post total points to comments.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

09/27/2010 Workout

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

1 rope climb
5 handstand push-ups
10 1-leg squats (5 each leg alternating)

If you don't have access to a climbing rope, use a climbing pole. Other alternatives would be using a towel over a pull-up bar, or buddy pulls (sub 5 reps per 1 climb).

If she can do it, so can you!

Friday, September 24, 2010

09/24/2010 Workout

For time:

Cycle for 10 miles

Ride a bike - road, mountain, stationary, etc.; on street or off-road - for 10 miles. Note type in comments.

Post time to comments.

Get outside and bike! Don't forget your helmet.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

09/23/2010 Workout

For time:

Three rounds of the following with 95 pound barbell:

7 Cleans (thigh to shoulder)
7 Front Squats
7 Presses (shoulder to overhead)

Substitute medicine ball, sand bag, rice bag, chair, child, etc. as a weight. Just note type and load to comments. If using a lighter weight, do five rounds.

Post time to comments.

Doing presses with my then 3 year old daughter (kisses optional).

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

09/21/2010 VKfit Class Workout

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

5 Dips
10 Knees to Elbows
15 Wall Squats

Post rounds to comments.

Wall squats are with your back to the wall. Use your shoulders and back to "crawl" your body up the wall when ascending.

Knees to Elbows are while on your back. Touch feet and hands on floor when extending, then do a full-body crunch, touching knees to elbows.

Dips can be done on chairs. To scale down, do dips in the pike position with feet on the floor.

Monday, September 20, 2010

09/20/2010 Workout

For time:

Crab walk forwards 1 length
Crab walk backwards 1 length
Pick up 30-50 pounds (Olympic plate, bag of dog food or rice, child, etc.) and forward lunge 1 length
Crab walk to the right 1 length
Crab walk to the left 1 length
Pick up weight and forward lunge 1 length back to starting position

Post time to comments.

Weighted forwarded lunges.

Friday, September 17, 2010

09/17/2010 Workout

Three rounds of max reps of the following:

Overhead squat

Post total reps for each round to comments.

For the overhead squat, use PVC pipe, broomstick, bar, or some other lightweight object. For proper form, make sure the hands and load are in-line with the shoulder and foot. Then squat away, going down to proper depth (hip lower than knee joint) and up to full hip extension, knees out. For an example of an overhead squat with a PVC pipe, you can go here.

Dips can be done on 2 parallel supports, such as what you'd find at a playground, or even a narrow staircase with handrails, the handles of a treadmill, or just 2 chairs.


For extra credit:

Instead of the above, do three rounds of:

Overhead squat max weight for 5 reps
Muscle ups for max reps

Don't know what a muscle up is? Go here.

Post total loads for OHS and total reps for muscle ups to comments.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Article: Obese People Have 'Severe Brain Degeneration'

Post thoughts to comments.

Jimmy Nation of Oklahoma City, OK used to have to “come back up for air” just to put on his shoes. Now his pant size has shrunk from a 44- to a 38-inch waist and he is feeling better than ever.

Diana Harmon of Brooks City, Texas has dropped 118 pounds. Harmon learned that there are four dimensions of human wellness: physical, emotional, social and spiritual. "When you're healthy in all four areas, you're a healthy person."

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

09/15/2010 Workout

As many rounds as possible of the following couplet in 10 minutes:

10 pull ups
10 burpees

Post rounds to comments.

Different grips to use for pull ups and chin ups.

"There is only one proven way to increase the number of pull-ups you perform … getting on the bar!" -- Gunnery Sgt. Brian Woodall, USMC


For extra credit:

Also do 1 floor to overhead (either Clean, or Clean and Jerk) at the head of each round. Post load (e.g. 95 pounds) or object (e.g. chair, 45 pound child) to comments.

Monday, September 13, 2010

09/14/2010 VKfit Class Workout

For time:

3 rounds of:
100 jumping jacks
100 Spiderman crawls (right side + left side = 1 rep)

Post time to comments.

A little jumping Jack

Friday, September 10, 2010

09/10/2010 Workout

3 x max time handstand holds (3 min. rest in between)

Post total time to comments.

3 different handstand holds, 3 different levels of difficulty:

Note the locked arms and shoulders, and getting the hips as close to over the shoulders as possible.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Article: Truth & Lies About Exercise: This Post May Save Your Life

Exercise: It's not just for the old and overweight.

Post thoughts to comments.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

09/07/2010 VKfit Class Workout

1-leg "+" hops, where you hop from point of origin to 12 o'clock, then back to point of origin, then to 3 o'clock, back to point of origin, then to 6 o'clock, back to point of origin, then to 9 o'clock, and back to point of origin, which completes 1 rotation of clockwise 1-leg "+" hops.


For time:

1-leg "+" hops

1) 25 rotations with left leg going clockwise

2) 25 rotations with left leg going counterclockwise

3) 25 rotations with right leg going clockwise

4) 25 rotations with right leg going counterclockwise

If you step down or out of sequence, then you must "hit the deck" (1 leg burpee)

Friday, September 3, 2010

09/03/2010 Workout

Max pull ups in 10 minutes

Followed by as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of the following couplet:

1) 10 push ups

2) 15 air squats

These are NOT dead hang pull ups; just get your chin over the bar, any grip, in any way possible. So kipping is definitely allowed, even promoted, in order to get a high volume of reps. If you don't have access to a pull up bar, use the monkey bars at a local park. If you cannot do a pull up, substitute buddy pulls or a broom handle across 2 stacks of chairs.

Post total pull ups and total rounds to comments.

The playground: Not just for the little kids!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

09/01/2010 Workout

Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
2 chair deadlifts

Post time to comments.

Soldiers at Andrews Air Force Base doing burpees in their workout class. Note how the chest goes to the floor in the push up, feet are flat on the floor in the squat, and the full extension of the arms, shoulders, hips, and ankles in the vertical jump.