
Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Off-day/Make-up day

Ask the Expert: Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Dr. Frank Sacks, Professor of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health

"We need omega-3 fatty acids for numerous normal body functions, such as controlling blood clotting and building cell membranes in the brain, and since our bodies cannot make omega-3 fats, we must get them through food. Omega-3 fatty acids are also associated with many health benefits, including protection against heart disease and possibly stroke. New studies are identifying potential benefits for a wide range of conditions including cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and other autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis."

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

02/28/2011 Workout

Three rounds for time of:

3 snatches
6 sumo deadlift high pulls
9 pull ups
12 bent over rows
15 deadlifts

Use a load that is approximately 70% of bodyweight.

Post load used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.

Monday, February 27, 2012

02/27/2012 Workout

For time:

10 bench presses
10 weighted bench step ups (R + L = 1 rep)
8 bench presses
8 bench step ups
6 bench presses
6 bench step ups
4 bench presses
4 bench step ups
2 bench presses
2 bench step ups

For bench presses, use a load that is approximately bodyweight.

For bench step ups, use a load for each hand that is approximately 25% of bodyweight.

Post load used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Off-day/Make-up day

10 New Weight Loss Myths and Facts -

"In an effort to clear the air and get back to solid basics, we decided to tackle the most prevalent weight loss "facts" out there and reveal them as the myths they are."

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Saturday, February 25, 2012


Off-day/Make-up day

20 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism - Heather Bauer, RD,CDN, REDBOOK

"Whether you're trying to shed some lbs or just stay fit, these tricks to increase your metabolism from nutritionist Heather Bauer, RD,CDN, will help you reach the finish line even faster."

Post thoughts to comments or to the VKfit Facebook page.

Friday, February 24, 2012

02/24/2012 Workout

Three rounds of strict pull ups for max reps.

Compare to 10/01/2010 Workout

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

02/23/2012 Workout

As many burpees as possible in 7 minutes.

Compare your results to the CrossFit Games Open 12.1 workout

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Off-day/Make-up day

The Soiled Story of Soy - Dr. Joseph Mercola,

"If you were to carefully review the thousands of studies published on soy, I strongly believe you too would reach the conclusion that any possible benefits of consuming soy are FAR outweighed by the well documented risks."

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

02/21/2012 VKfit Class Workout

5 rounds for time of:

10 chair push ups/swing-through/L-dips
25' left leg MB deadlift high-pull hops
25' right leg MB deadlift high-pull hops

Compare to 05/24/2011 VKfit Class Workout

Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page

Monday, February 20, 2012

02/20/2012 Workout

As many rounds as possible of escalating reps of 2/4/6/8/10/... in 7 minutes of:

Sumo-deadlift high pulls
Ring dips

Use a load that is approximately 60-70% of your bodyweight.

Post load used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Off-day/Make-up day

The 15 Grossest Things You're Eating - Leah Zerbe, Rodale

"...marketers have figured out a way to keep toxic additives and disease-promoting food packaging off of the label..."

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Saturday, February 18, 2012


Off-day/Make-up day

5 Health Tests You Need to Ace This Year - Editors of Runner's World

"No matter how fit you are, you can't change health risk factors like your genes, your family history, your race, or your age. Other aspects of your lifestyle count, too, including how you manage stress and your eating habits. The best way to safeguard your long-term health is to catch troublesome issues early, so ask your doctor about adding these screenings to your calendar."

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Friday, February 17, 2012

02/17/2012 Workout

For time:

Cycle for 10 miles

Ride a bike - road, mountain, stationary, etc.; on street or off-road - for 10 miles. Note type in comments.

Compare to 06/17/2011 Workout

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

02/16/2012 Workout

Three rounds for time of:

7 thrusters
17 pull ups

Use a load that is approximately 70% of bodyweight.

Post load used to results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Off-day/Make-up day

8 Fitness Secrets to Steal from the Boys: Find out what guys know (and you don't) about getting in shape - Brynn Mannino, Woman's Day

"...guys seem to have a much easier time getting fit than women. Sure, their bodies are different, but what if there's more to it? After looking at men's traditional workout habits versus women's, we found that they have a few tricks..."

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

02/14/2012 VKfit Class Workout

As many rounds as possible in 2 minutes of:

25' chair sled pulls

Then as many rounds as possible in 2 minutes of:

25' burpee-broad jumps

Post number of chairs used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.

Monday, February 13, 2012

02/13/2012 Workout

Three rounds of as many reps as possible of:

30 seconds of power cleans
30 seconds of floor or bench presses

Use a load that is approximately 70% of your bodyweight.

Post load used to results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.

Loaded gym bag floor presses

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Off-day/Make-up day

How I Lost 130 Pounds - Abigail Cuffey, Women's Day

"For years I didn't follow the advice I was giving my patients about losing weight and protecting their hearts. I was very overweight but in total denial... Deep down I knew my health was suffering, but I justified my habits by saying I was too busy."

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Saturday, February 11, 2012


Off-day/Make-up day

Jonah Hill Sheds Clown Image — and Pounds - Edward Lovett, ABC News

“I wish there was some crazy thing that I did, like a pill or a genie or something... I went to see a nutritionist, and he told me what to eat to change my habits and stuff."

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Friday, February 10, 2012

02/10/2012 Workout

Five rounds for max load:

5 single arm hang cleans
5 single arm push presses

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

02/09/2012 Workout

Five rounds for time of:

20 right arm deadlifts
20 right arm overhead jumping lunges
20 left arm deadlifts
20 left arm overhead jumping lunges

Use a load that is approximately 20% of your bodyweight.

Post load used to results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Off-day/Make-up day

5 Most Surprising Reasons to Drink Water - Paula Spencer Scott,

"All of the systems in the body require water for proper functioning, and so do 90 percent of all chemical reactions in the body."

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

02/07/2012 VKfit Class Workout

As many rounds as possible of escalating reps of 2/4/6/8/10/... in 7 minutes of:

Box step ups with 2 MBs (R + L = 1 rep)
Spiderman crawls + star push up (R + L + out + in = 1 rep)

Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.

Monday, February 6, 2012

02/06/2012 Workout

Five rounds for max load of:

1 clean
1 front squat
1 shoulder to overhead
1 back squat
1 back to overhead

Lock out all overhead positions for the rep to count.

Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.

Courtesy CrossFit HQ

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Off-day/Make-up day

3 Surprising Reasons to Give Up Soda - David Zinczenko with Matt Goulding, Men's Health

"We all know that America’s drink of choice contributes to our country's ever-expanding obesity problem. But, as writer Leah Zerbe discovered, love handles are just the beginning."

Post thoughts to comments or to the VKfit Facebook page.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Off-day/Make-up day

Sugar in Diet Hurts Cholesterol Levels, Too - Christopher Wanjek, LiveScience

"Added sugar, such as corn syrup and other sweeteners added to everything from canned soup to, well, nuts, have long been associated with obesity, diabetes and dental cavities. This new study, led by researchers from Emory University in Atlanta, is the first to connect these sweeteners to blood lipids."

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Friday, February 3, 2012

02/03/2012 Workout

Five rounds for time of:

20 back squats
20 yard sprint

Use a loaded weight vest, hydration pack, back pack, child, medicine ball, etc.  For added challenge, keep the load while doing the sprints.

Post load used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

02/02/2012 Workout

Five rounds for as many reps as possible of:

Weighted pull ups
Weighted push ups

Use a loaded weight vest, hydration pack, back pack, child, etc.

Post load used and results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Off-day/Make-up day

The incredible unaging triathlete - Sweat Science

"This study contradicts the common observation that muscle mass and strength decline as a function of aging alone. Instead, these declines may signal the effect of chronic disuse rather than muscle aging."

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