
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

02/22/2011 VKfit Class Workout

3 rounds for time of:

20 stage jumps
20 plank knees-to-elbows w/ 12 pound medicine ball in arm
20 second L-sit
20 dips

Stage jumps must have full hip extension at the top of the stage.

Each touch of elbow to knee counts as 1 rep.

L-sit must be held for 4 seconds minimum in order to count. If you sub bent knees, then do 30 seconds per round.

Dips are full body. If you sub with one leg on the ground for assistance, then do 30 reps of dips.

Post results to comments.

Push ups and L-sit on rings courtesy of

1 comment:

  1. 12:13 - MJ (used 1 leg assist on dips)

    12:15 - DM (used 1 leg assist on dips)

    14:07 - RP

    9:40 - EA
