
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

04/05/2011 VKfit Class Workout

Three rounds for time of:

30 kneeling jump snatches w/ weighted PVC bar
30 sots presses w/ weighted PVC bar
30 knees to elbows w/ medicine ball

Post results to comments or to the VKfit Facebook Page.

Courtesy of CrossFit Challenge

Please note: there will be no VKfit workout class next week or the week after, as Victory Karate prepares for the Pepperdine University Convocation presentation on April 19, 2011. Workouts will still be posted online. VKfit class will resume April 26, 2011.

1 comment:

  1. 20:03 - RP

    20:15 (mod'd jump snatches) - MJ

    15:53 - EA
