
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

07/23/2013 VKfit Class Workout

Partner workout, three rounds alternating for time of:

20 lead, cross, knee
10 bag jumps with MB

Monday, July 22, 2013

07/22/2013 Workout

Find max load for:

1 hang snatch

1 squat clean and jerk
1 hang squat clean and jerk with opposite leg

Saturday, July 20, 2013

07/20/2013 Workout

3 rounds of as many reps as possible at bodyweight of:

1 minute bench press
1 minute bent over rows

Rest as needed between rounds.

07/19/2013 Workout

As many reps as possible at 70% bodyweight of:

3 minutes of back squats
2 minutes of hang cleans
1 minute of push presses

07/17/2013 Workout

Find max load for the following snatch complex:

1 power snatch
1 hang snatch
1 high hang snatch

Then 3 rounds of max unbroken reps of thrusters at 70% of max load.

07/16/2013 VKfit Class Workout

Partner workout for time:

1 round each of side kick/wheel kick drills
Broad jumps down driveway
Kneeling MB chest passes

Add the number of broad jumps needed to cover the distance and do that number of MB chest passes.

07/12/2013 Workout

Find max load for:

1 snatch
1 clean and jerk

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

07/10/2013 Workout

"CrossFit Total"

Find max load for:

Shoulder press
Back squat

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

07/09/2013 VKfit Class Workout

Two rounds of as many reps as possible of:

30 seconds toes to bar
30 seconds power swings
30 seconds punching complex (each completed complex = 1 rep)
30 seconds rest

Then two minutes of as many reps as possible of overhead squat kicks

07/06/2013 Workout

Five rounds of as many unbroken reps as possible of:

Weighted pull ups
Weighted MB push ups
Weighted split jump right, split jump left, squat jump combo

07/05/2013 Workout

Find max load for:

1 snatch

5 deadlifts
5 power cleans
5 front squats
5 push presses
5 squats

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

07/03/2013 Workout

Find max load for:

Hang squat clean + overhead

Then, as many reps as possible in five minutes of:

1 arm snatch (alternate hands every 5 reps)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

07/02/2013 VKfit Class Workout

Buy in:

Functional reaches


Three rounds for time of:

10 pull ups
10 MB burpees

Cash out:

Side/wheel kick drills

07/01/2013 Workout

Three rounds of as many reps as possible of:

Clapping pull ups
Hand stand toe touches

Then find max load for:

1 power snatch
1 hang squat snatch
1 overhead squat

06/29/2013 Workout

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

1 push press
1 pull up
2 push presses
2 pull ups
3 push presses
3 pull ups