
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

11/30/2010 VK Class Workout

For time:

12 "clock" plyo push ups (CW)
12 "clock" plyo push ups (CCW)

Rest is only in the pike position (hands and feet only on the ground). If any other body part hits the ground, then you must "walk the plank" - 15 yard rear lunges with 12 pound medicine ball - before continuing on.

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Plyo push up

Monday, November 29, 2010

11/29/2010 Workout

3 minute hold of front plank position, left hand with right foot
3 minute hold of front plank position, right hand with left foot

Count the total number of times you need to touch down and reset, and do that number of tuck jumps for time.

Post results to comments.

Front plank position, left hand with right foot

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Off-day/Make-up day

Low-Carbohydrate Beverage Plus Protein Improves Endurance Performance - Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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Saturday, November 27, 2010


Off-day/Make-up day

The Influence of 8 Weeks of Whey-Protein and Leucine Supplementation on Physical and Cognitive Performance - International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism

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Friday, November 26, 2010

11/26/2010 Workout

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

1 floor to overhead w/ 95 pounds
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

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Floor to overhead with a 50 pound sandbag

Thursday, November 25, 2010

11/25/2010 Workout

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

If you ate lots, then you definitely need to get your workout in.

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

10 swinging push ups
10 box jumps

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Off-day/Make-up day


Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day, play a game of flag football in the morning - regardless of whether you play or not. Running around competitively will put your body in a better state before feasting in the evening.

If and only if you can't get a game together, then make sure you get a make-up workout in before Thanksgiving dinner.

In regards to Thanksgiving dinner:
  • Drink lots of water. Go light on the booze.
  • Eat nuts before the main meal. The poly- and monounsaturated fats will help you feel satiated and will help with digestion.
  • The earlier you eat dinner, the better.
  • Eat plenty of turkey.
  • Eat plenty of salad.
  • Go easy on the mashed potatoes, stuffing, creamed corn, and gravy. A little bit is fine. If you've made progress fitness wise, then you deserve it. Just keep in mind that your body and your goals will have to deal with the consequences.
  • Go easy on the desert. Again, a little bit is fine and deserved if you've been working hard and got your workout in this morning.
After dinner, make sure you take a walk or even get a little workout in. Just do something active. Drink more water.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

11/23/2010 Workout

Reminder: No class today due to Thanksgiving week.

Special superhero workout!

5 rounds for time of:

20 Spiderman crawls
20 Superman back extensions

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Superman back extensions courtesy of CrossFit Asia

Monday, November 22, 2010

11/22/2010 Workout

3 rounds for time of:

3 Handstand push ups
6 Power swings w/ 12 pound medicine ball
9 Jackknife sit-ups

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Reminder: No class tomorrow due to Thanksgiving week.

Power swings using a kettlebell (AKA kettlebell swings)

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Off-day/Make-up day

The Fitness Divide - Greg Beato,

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Saturday, November 20, 2010


Off-day/Make-up day

10 Things Snack Food Companies Won't Say - Catey Hill, Smart Money Magazine

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Friday, November 19, 2010

11/19/2010 Workout

Five rounds for time of:

200 meter run
5 burpees

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200 meters = 1/2 lap around the track

Thursday, November 18, 2010

11/18/2010 Workout

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

30 second Handstand hold
30 second Squat hold
30 second L-sit hold
30 second Chin over bar hold

Post results to comments.

Squat hold

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Off-day/Make-up day

We’re #1 – A Spiritual Perspective On Leading The Way In Fatness And Fitness - Dr. Stephen Willis, Faith & Fitness Magazine

"Unlike much of the world’s population, we aren’t dying from AIDS, cholera outbreaks, war, or famine. By and large, we aren’t dying from violent crimes either. No, we are eating ourselves to death. Literally."

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

11/16/2010 VKfit Class Workout

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

40 (20 x 2) buddy over-unders
40 (20 x 2) medicine ball throws @ 5 yards apart

"Holster" or "chamber" the medicine ball on alternating hips prior to throwing. If you fumble the ball, both partners need to do 5 burpees before continuing on.

Thank you to Sean and Shelly Davila and the California Karate Club for joining us for our workout!

Monday, November 15, 2010

11/15/2010 Workout

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

10 (5 x 2) 1 leg pistol squats
20 floor to overhead w/ 15 pound medicine ball

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Photo courtesy of Alex Europa

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Off-day/Make-up day

The Secret to Peak Performance – Rest - Barbara Bryant, Faith & Fitness Magazine

'When you become discouraged and lose motivation to train it is largely because of the lack of rest. This leads to psychological 'burn-out' and makes you want to quit altogether. It’s important to remember that an extra day of rest can be more beneficial to the body than extra days of training."

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Saturday, November 13, 2010


Off-day/Make-up day

Is the Food Pyramid Obsolete? - Richard Knox, NPR

"I think the pyramid is so out of sync with scientific evidence that it almost has to be totally dismantled and rebuilt from the ground up."

Post thoughts to comments or to the VKfit Facebook page.

Friday, November 12, 2010

11/12/2010 Workout

For time:

100 pull ups

Every time you come off the bar, you must "walk the plank" - Overhead lunge w/ 45 pound plate for 1 length (15 yards).

Remember you do not have to do the recommended weights. e.g. For this workout, you might want to use the 12 pound medicine ball. Or if you can't do kipping pull ups, then sub buddy or chair pulls. Just note any substitutions in the comments.

Post results to comments.

Overhead lunge, courtesy of CrossFit Central Kids

Thursday, November 11, 2010

11/11/2010 Workout

Three rounds for time:

30 overhead squats w/ 15 pound medicine ball
30 front squats w/ 15 pound medicine ball
30 back squats w/ 15 pound medicine ball

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Medicine ball front squat, courtesy of CrossFit Malaysia


It is the Soldier, not the minister
Who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the Soldier, not the reporter
Who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the Soldier, not the poet
Who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer
Who has given us freedom to protest.

It is the Soldier, not the lawyer
Who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the Soldier, not the politician
Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the Soldier who salutes the flag,
Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag,
Who allows the protester to burn the flag.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Off-day/Make-up day


I consulted with Jack Boyster, Ironman competitor, and our basic conclusion was most similar to the Zone Diet, as developed by Dr. Barry Sears.

For those of you who don't care to get into the minute details of how the diet works or how it affects your body, here is a quick summary:

  • 5 or 6 smaller meals per day
  • Each meal proportioned with lean protein, mono- and polyunsaturated fats, and natural carbohydrates
  • Examples of lean protein sources: lean beef, poultry, fish, tofu/soy, hard cheese, eggs
  • Examples of mono- and polyunsaturated fats: nuts, avocados, olives, fish oil
  • Examples of natural carbohydrates: whole fruits, vegetables, beans, oatmeal
  • Lots of water
  • Fish oil and glucosamine supplements

In terms of portions per meal, here is the basic rule of thumb (or "fist"):

Divide your plate into 3 equal portions, 1 for protein, 1 for carbs, 1 for fats. Have a piece of protein approximately the size of your fist. The larger you are, the larger your fist, the more protein you need to consume. Then have an equal size of carbs, along with an equal size of fats. And that's really it. It will look and feel like too little, but that is only because we overweight, overeating, under-active Americans have become accustomed to skipping meals and then supersizing to make up the calories. By eating the correct amount of fats (gives you the full feeling) and eating every 3 or 4 hours, you will actually never feel hungry. This is a good thing, because hunger is the body's response to needing food, meaning your body is already in a state of hibernation and shutting down its metabolism to conserve.

Similarly, drink plenty of water, which will also help relieve hunger. Have a water bottle and constantly drink water throughout the day. If you ever get thirsty, again, it's too late; thirst means that your body is already lacking fluids and is in need of hydration.

You should consume your 1st meal within 1 hour of waking up in the morning. If you're unable to do that, then just grab a handful of nuts and a swig of water to have something in your system. Even a slice of cold pizza is better than completely skipping breakfast.

Smaller meals throughout the day devoid of starch-laden foods will also help you avoid that "food coma" feeling. You will sleep better and have more energy to go about your daily life.

Your last meal should be about an hour prior to going to bed so that your body has something to burn off as you sleep.

The results? For me, it was pretty telling:

  • Lost 3 inches off of my waist (from 30" to 27")
  • Lost 4.5% bodyfat (from 11.1% to under 6.6%)
  • Have not had a sick day since 1997

Combined with the workout program, I've been able to stay competitive with guys half my age. I have far more energy and feel like I am in better shape than when I was in my mid-20's. You could say that it has worked very well for me. It has worked for everyone else who has gone to this diet, and it will work for you. But understand that it is a complete shift in lifestyle that really begins with the purpose as to why you're doing this. Without internalizing your purpose and ultimate goal, then it is too easy to fall back into old habits.

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

11/09/2010 VKfit Class Workout

As many reps as possible of the following:

      Person A // Person B
  1. Square horse // Buddy pulls
  2. Front bridge // Lateral hops
  3. Wall sit // Dips
Do four rounds of each exercise @ 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest ("Tabata" style). Then move on to the next exercise. Once completed with the entire protocol, switch with your partner.

Here's a link to a handy-dandy online Tabata timer. For this workout, we will be doing 24 total rounds.

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Wall sit

Monday, November 8, 2010

11/08/2010 Workout

1) Handstand push ups for max reps in 5 minutes.

If you can't do handstand push ups, then do handstand holds for 5 minutes and note the total amount of time you're able to hold the handstand (Must hold the handstand for a minimum of 4 seconds for it to count).

2) For time:

Run a set of lines on a basketball court while carrying a load of at least 40 pounds.

If you're not familiar with "running lines" on a basketball court, start from the baseline, run to the free throw line and back to the starting baseline; then run to the half-court line and back (to the baseline); then run to the free throw line on the other end of the court and back; then finally run to the other baseline and back.

Post results for both parts to comments.

Diagram courtesy of Ty Chiu.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Off-day/Make-up day


I'm sure you've heard it before: "You are what you eat."

Simply speaking, if you take a Ferrari engine and try to run it on pour quality fuel, you'll not only get poor performance out of your Ferrari, you'll actually destroy the engine. While the human body is an amazing engine in itself, able to withstand and heal from years of abuse and neglect, it does basically reap what it sows in terms of what is put in it and what it runs on.

That said, what is a good diet, especially when it comes to performance? What should you eat considering all the various diets out there?

I will share with you what has worked for me over the 15+ years I've been studying dietary intake.

First off, I would encourage you to change your mindset about food and eating. It doesn't have to be mundane and boring, but you need to think of it as fueling your body rather than just feeding it. Eating then becomes a means towards reaching a goal rather than fulfilling a biological or emotional urge, which usually results in grabbing and consuming whatever is available, healthy or not (most likely not).

Before we delve into actually what to eat in part 2, I'd like you to really chew on that last bit (no pun intended). What is your goal or purpose to fueling your body? What do you ultimately hope to achieve? Once you've established that, then you're ready to develop an actual diet plan.

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Saturday, November 6, 2010


Off-day/Make-up day

Gluten: What You Don't Know Might Kill You - Mark Hyman, MD; The Huffington Post

"...eating a nice dark, crunchy slice of whole wheat bread--how could that be bad for you?"

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Photo courtesy of Emily Carlin

Friday, November 5, 2010

11/05/2010 Workout

Do the following with a minimum amount of breaks:

50 pull ups
50 push presses w/ 45 pound bar
50 sumo-deadlift high-pulls w/ 45 pound bar
50 push ups

Note the number of breaks you need in order to finish the protocol.

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The “Up” position of the push-up – notice the arms are straight and the back, buttocks, and legs are in line. Head is up.

The “Down” position of the push-up – notice the arms form right angles and the back, buttocks, and legs are in line. Head is up.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

11/04/2010 Workout

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of the following:

10 buddy pulls or supine pull ups
20 sit ups
30 wallballs (12 pound medicine ball with target 24" above maximum reach)
40 overhead squats with weighted PVC pipe

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Off-day/Make-up day


Here's a quick physics lesson on why we need to be concerned about the time domains with our workouts. Bottom line, we are looking for POWER output.

By definition, Work (W) is Force (F) over a given Distance (d):

So to pick your body up off of the floor is work. A person who "lifts weights" in the normal sense of the term is doing work. There is no time variable here. Just the force necessary to move a mass over a distance. So someone who does 100 pull ups in 3:00 does the same amount of work as someone who weighs the same and does 100 pull ups over the course of 10 hours.

Power (P), on the other hand, is defined as Work (W) over Time (t):

Introducing time into the equation (no pun intended) changes everything. Someone who does 100 pull ups in 3:00 has a tremendous amount of Power compared to the person of the same weight who takes 10 hours to do those same 100 pull ups. Simply put, take any exercise, do it in less time, and you're generating more power. That is why there is almost always a time variable, whether in total time, or total reps and/or rounds in a given amount of time.

In physical terms, the bodybuilder lifts heavy weights to build big muscles. That is his singular focus when he works out. He lifts a certain amount of weight slowly, isolating muscles, to ensure maximum contraction of the muscle fibers which ultimately results in greater muscular growth.

The athlete, however, trains his entire body at once (how many basketball players practice only shooting with their arms, or only with their legs), and is focused on explosiveness, which is another way of doing loaded movements quickly.

Bottom line, if you want big muscles, and only big muscles, then train like a bodybuilder. Isolate your body; lift slowly and purposely.

But if you want to be a dynamic athlete, if you want explosiveness, then train like an athlete. Do full body workouts. Focus on speed and quickness as well as load. Compete. You may get big, strong muscles, but they will be a secondary result of your training. More importantly, you will be able to run faster, change directions more quickly, jump higher, and move more weight. The muscle you gain will be practical and efficient, not just aesthetic.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

11/02/2010 VKfit Class Workout

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

10 swinging push ups
10 (5 x 2) lateral hops

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Swinging push ups

Monday, November 1, 2010

11/01/2010 Workout

For time:

50 free throws

If you miss, you can get the ball and shoot it back up (lay up or jump shot) and count it as a made shot. Then go back to the free throw line and shoot again.

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Click image for larger version