Here's a great workout -- using a pumpkin!
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"Le tout Washington DC is in a snarl about the standoff between Albert Haynesworth, the Redskins' hyper-talented defensive lineman, and Mike Shanahan, the new coach. Haynesworth, theoretically the most dominant player on the team but one who radiates Bad Attitude, skipped all off-season training sessions; Shanahan is either putting him in shape, or hazing him, by making him pass a 'conditioning test' before he can practice with the rest of the team. Haynesworth has now failed two or three straight times."
"But Lindsay Murphy, the Fox reporter, thought as I did that the Haynesworth test didn't sound so impossible."
"She spends her days running, lifting weights and working out other senior citizens at the Union Memorial United Methodist Church in Baltimore."
"Her physique and abilities are obviously impressive, but even more so considering that she did not begin exercising until age 56."
"I feel better than I did at 40."
”Being out of shape as we age truly is merely an option."